Perhaps, you’re googling weight-loss diets, and you happened upon the GM diet. What is it? Will it work for you?
General Motors developed the GM Diet for its employees. When you’re on this diet, you eat a different food type every day for one week. It’s said that you can lose up to 15 pounds in the week.
These are the food types that you eat on the GM Diet.
- Day 1 – Fruits and melons – no bananas
- Day 2 – Fresh vegetables and boiled potato
- Day 3 – Fruits and fresh vegetables – no bananas or potatoes
- Day 4 – Bananas and milk
- Day 5 – Rice or meat, tomato soup
- Day 6 – Rice or meat, fresh vegetables
- Day 7 – Brown rice, fresh vegetables

Two advantages of the GM Diet are that you eat a very low-calorie diet, and you eat no refined carbohydrates or sugars.
One of the major disadvantages of the diet is that you do not get essential nutrients when you’re on such a restricted diet – mostly fruits and vegetables.
Let’s hear from one GM Dieter:
“I lost 5 kilos after religiously following GM diet. I was indeed happy but was feeling weak. My face looked pale and instead of fit and healthy, I was looking weak and feeble. I ate my favourite foods for a week or so and to my surprise, by end of the following week, I gained 3 kilos back. This was bound to happen as going back on normal diet allowed me to eat carbs and fats. GM diet is not recommended more than once in a month. Hence, it’s pointless to go on this diet.”
So, let’s answer the question in the title of this post – does the GM Diet work. The short answer is yes. You will lose weight during the week that you are on the diet. The long answer is that it’s a terrible long-term approach to weight loss. It’s a crash diet that is associated with weakness and fatigue. As soon as you stop the diet, you will gain back your weight. To use it, in the long run, you have to go on the diet once a month. That will induce the yo-yo effect with all its attendant metabolic problems.
The HCG diet that we prescribe at Vivesse weight loss gives you all the nutrients that you need. It is not a crash diet, and it results in a long-term change in your metabolic profile. Call us at 860-761-6666 to schedule an appointment and find out if Vivesse Weight Loss is for you.
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