Every diet and weight-loss strategy has its positives and negatives, but for any of them to really work, you’ve got to get your mind right first. 

Most people try to lose weight with the worst state of mind! A person will call themselves ugly and fat and will jump into diet and exercising plans out of self-deprecation.

I’m writing this post today to get your mind on a healthier pattern before starting your weight loss journey. Follow the steps below to change your mindset and help make your weight loss approach healthier and happier.

  1. Make your goal realistic: Don’t set a goal for yourself that you know you will never achieve and that isn’t healthy for your body. Weight loss is a journey it will take time.
  2. Surround yourself with positive people: It’s important to be around family and friends who will support you during your journey. Ask for help when you need it.
  3. Rethink Rewards and Punishments: Food is not a reward, and exercise is not a punishment. They are both ways of caring for your body and helping you feel your best. You deserve both.
  4. Take a Breath: Taking a few minutes at the beginning of your workout, or even at the beginning of your day, can help you set your intentions, connect with your body and even lower your body’s stress response.
  5. Talk to Yourself Like You Would a Friend: Don’t be hard on yourself, be kind to yourself as you would to your friend.
  6. It’s okay to have a cheat day: It’s important to enjoy life, allow yourself to cheat and have a glass of wine or piece of chocolate every once in a while.

These simple steps will help shift your negative thoughts to positive ones. At Vanishing Veins and Vivesse Med Spa our goal is to make our customers feel the best version of themselves. So, when you’ve taken the time to read through this post and feel that you’re in a better space to start your weight loss journey, give us a call at 860-761-6666 to learn more about our program.